Giving assistance to people and organisations to put their ideas into reality.

 A big part of inspiring is helping people find their route to happiness. Everyone seeks their own balance of doing good for others, doing things they are good at and doing good for themselves. Our aim is to bring about positive and permanent changes in attitudes and expectations that people can build upon, and which encourage them to take steps that will improve their future prospects. To help them to develop new skills, encourage team work and build self-esteem, to promote an accessible and welcoming environment that encourages learning, volunteerism, and community spirit.

 We are a small organization that helps people to design and develop projects, using recycled materials where possible. With hands on approach our team help with project design and build to achieve the most cost effective outcome. Together we can make a difference to help others achieve their potential.

Meet the Team

After studying Electronics and Electrical Engineering I worked in the Electrical Contracting Industry for 25 years, I then started my own Computer repair company which I ran for 8 years. In 2005 I decided to go into social care looking after venerable people of all age groups. With a comprehensive background in Engineering and working with all types of materials I find it very rewarding helping others to develop new skills, encourage team work and build self-esteem, Together, we can make a difference to help others achieve their potential.

Michael Gardner

Senior designer

About us

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We are becoming socially isolated due to technology, social media, computers, mobile phones, tablets and the like. As a nation we are losing our Social skills, human interaction, reading somebody’s body language or mood are becoming a thing of the past. These skills are a Very Important part of community life and without these skills the  community spirit will be lost. Volunteering is a positive and very rewarding way forward to breathe life back into our community’s.

Volunteering in the


Goals and Aspirations

One of our main goals is to inspire people to volunteer in the community. Volunteering isn’t just about giving your time and skills, your actions bring that satisfaction of helping others less fortunate and seeing changes because of what you have done.